

Healthcare in Canada is an engaging online course that provides a foundational overview of Canada’s unique, complex and evolving healthcare system. This course is ideal for those new to the Canadian healthcare landscape or already part of it and are looking to build a strong foundational understanding of the Canadian healthcare system. By the end of this course, you will be equipped with essential knowledge to better appreciate the complexities, challenges and opportunities of the system and its ongoing evolution.

Throughout this course you will gain a clear understanding of how the healthcare system is organized and the roles of federal, provincial, and territorial governments, how the system is funded and the challenges of ensuring its sustainability. You’ll also discover the key factors that shape quality and people-centred healthcare delivery and explore the roles, wellbeing and challenges of the healthcare workforce.

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Section Title
Healthcare in Canada - Bruce Maitland
Language of Delivery
Once enrolled, you will have 122 days to complete this course.
Canadian Tuition Fee $495.00
INTL Tuition Fee $695.00
Potential Discount(s)
Section Notes

Healthcare in Canada is an engaging online course that provides a foundational overview of Canada’s unique, complex and evolving healthcare system. This course is ideal for those new to the Canadian healthcare landscape or already part of it and are looking to build a strong foundational understanding of the Canadian healthcare system. By the end of this course, you will be equipped with essential knowledge to better appreciate the complexities, challenges and opportunities of the system and its ongoing evolution.

Throughout this course you will gain a clear understanding of how the healthcare system is organized and the roles of federal, provincial, and territorial governments, how the system is funded and the challenges of ensuring its sustainability. You’ll also discover the key factors that shape quality and people-centered healthcare delivery and explore the roles, wellbeing and challenges of the healthcare workforce.

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